I bought an individual tutorial, where can I find it?

IMPORTANT: If you purchased a tutorial through Avalon Cakes prior to September 1, 2015 , we CANNOT add any of those tutorials to your current account on Avalon Cakes School website. Unfortunately, our system does not work that way. You can always access it through the original links you received, or send us your NAME, PAYPAL EMAIL ADDRESS and the names of the tutorials you have misplaced. 


  1. Log on to www.avaloncakesschool.com with the User Name and Password you created. (If you signed in with Facebook, simply log in with Facebook!)
  2. Go to My Account (the little avatar on the top right of the page).
  3. Click “My Purchased Tutorials”



  1. There will be a list of every tutorial you’ve purchased, just click the link to access!

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